Who said Legal Aid has gone!
Contrary to the public conception legal aid is still available for Family Matters. There are some stringent criteria to overcome to be eligible but legal aid can help to meet the costs of legal advice, family mediation and representation in a court or tribunal.

Is Legal Aid free?
Legal Aid is funding your legal fees upfront, without you worrying about how you can finance your lawyer. However you may have to pay those fees back or contribute to them.

Am I eligible for Legal Aid?
To find out, first you will need to show that the circumstances of your case justify Legal Aid and also that your income falls within the relevant earnings threshold.

Exceptional Case Funding
You may still be eligible for legal aid in other exceptional cases, if you can show that being refused Legal Aid would infringe your fundamental Human Rights.
Would you like to be assessed for legal aid?
Check out the legal aid calculator to see if we can help you!
How to prepare for your first meeting with your Lawyer
If you would like to be assessed for Legal Aid at our first meeting, then we will need you to bring with you the evidence below. Without this we may not be able to help you.
We will need evidence to show you are financially eligible and written evidence of Domestic Abuse / Child protection.
Once we have this we will be able to apply for Legal Aid for you. This is particularly important if you need emergency protection.
Financial evidence must not be dated more than a month prior to your first meet and consist of:
- Benefits – including benefits statements. If ESA or JSA whether this is income or contribution based.
- Income, savings and spending – including one month supply of pay slips, accounts and tax return if self employed
- last 3 month bank statements for each account in your sole name and in joint names ( if any) unless self employed in which case statements dating back to last set of accounts / tax return.
- Evidence to show your mortgage / rental payment
- Evidence to show any child maintenance payments
- Evidence of any child care costs you may pay.
If you or a child has suffered Domestic abuse we will need written evidence of this.
Check out the links below and download and print any applicable sample letter to send to the police, courts, or medical and social services, depending on whether:
You’ve been a victim
- Letter for your GP, hospital or social or other support services
- Letter for the Police
- Letter for the court
Your children have been victims

Below are a list of commonly asked questions asked by our clients